Matthew 16:24 (NIV)
Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.
Many want to follow Christ, but don't want it to be hard. When it does get hard, many want to give up and move on to the next thing they think will help fill them up. Following Christ is not easy, as Jesus himself tells us in John 16:33;
John 16:33
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world.
How can one continue to follow Jesus when it gets hard? Know that whatever it is you are going through, it is possible to overcome, because the One who we serve, has already overcame the world.
Denying oneself means denying self-interests, ones own understanding, ones own pride, following Christ DAILY. And know that we serve a God who is also our friend. Let him know whats bothering you, cry out to him, go to Him instead of trying to find instant gratification and pleasure from this world.
Matthew 11:28-30
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Some advice that has helped me:
Continue to be in your word, focused on seeking out the kingdom of God first. Praying to the Lord to keep his word in your heart, let yourself be led by the Holy Spirit and ask the Holy Spirit to direct your paths. Acknowledge God first in all that you do, and he will make your paths straight. Understand that this is a war. We strive to finish the great race of faith, keeping that faith until the very end.
A Prayer for Discipleship:
Lord Jesus, I choose to pick up my cross and follow you. I deny all the things of this world and I choose you. Help me to understand the things I do not know right now. Help me to stay focused on your finished work on the cross. It says in your word, that if I seek your kingdom first, all other things shall be added onto me. Help me to know you more, guide me through your Holy Spirit and may I not lean on my own understanding. Help me to live by your word alone Lord and remind me that you are always with me especially when things get hard. In your almighty name I pray Jesus, Amen.