A Testimony
A Testimony
Undying Belief was founded by Christopher Menendez. A 19 year old from Montebello, California. His dream was only to encourage and help those who are very lowly in heart like him. To help those who feel lost and alone, because he knows well enough, how it feels. He wasn't born with the flashiest talents. He struggled with much. He wasn't the fastest, smartest, or strongest. But his heart was always in the right place, wanting to serve others and uplift them. As he got closer to Jesus, he found out he was capable of so much more and more things started to make sense. Encouragement, serving others, not giving up. He had a dream of starting a clothing brand back in 2019 during his freshmen year of high school, way before it got very popular in 2024. Chris always believed that he was born for a great purpose, but couldn't figure out what it was. He tried to do things on his own and was easily distracted, falling for the things of this world which made him struggle greatly, almost taking his life several times. He had made a lot of bad decisions, but that belief was still there. Jesus found him in a dark room in an institute during his darkest moment. He did not know it at the time, but when he got closer to God senior year, that fire came back and that peace he had felt that night, was Jesus. Understanding more that he has been given a gift of an undying belief. That no matter how many times he has failed, he kept going, because Jesus had always been there to encourage him and strengthen him through the Holy Spirit. When there were constant attacks on his mind that fell upon his heart, he kept going, not understanding why. He kept backsliding and stumbling. Feeling great despair and doubt, God gave him the strength to get back up. Though Chris thought to himself, "How can I? I have no idea how, yet I believe I can", after failing God many times, he knew God had great things in store for him that he couldn't just stop and give up on himself and especially God.
New Found Purpose
During senior year, he had come up with a brand called Ko Potent. At first it was about knowing your true potential. Seeing the rise of much young successful entrepreneurs on social media, he wanted to use his brand for himself. He had gotten his first sale and knew it was possible. One Sunday morning, his Pastor was talking about those who make the things of this world more important than God, such as the riches of this world. There was such conviction in his heart after he heard that. And it was true. He had forgotten all the great things God has done for him, and the calling God has for him. Ko Potent was all he had, something he was able to call his, but he surrendered it to God. He felt such pain because this clothing brand was the only thing that gave him purpose and a drive. During the car ride home, God spoke to him, he gave it back, but told him to use it for His glory alone. Chris said of course in his heart and teared up, then the meaning behind the brand was knowing your true potential in Christ. One day when deciding to read his Bible, there was a whisper like thought that fell on his heart, Undying Belief. He wrote it down right away. He felt like he had to give up the old and walk into the new. It felt very uncomfortable but knew the new things God has for him are far better, so he did, thus Undying Belief was born.